
Flavored Fork is mobile so classes can be held at any location from recreation centers, private residences, community centers, or virtually.  Flavored Fork operates 6 days a week with on-site classes usually being conducted from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Cooking Demonstrations

Watch and learn about healthy cooking without “getting your hands dirty” through our own developed demonstrations at local venues such as gourmet retail locations, specialty grocery stores, churches, and community centers.

Cooking Classes

Hand-on cooking classes for adults such as Cooking & Cocktails,  communities such as Healthy for Life® heart-healthy classes and Deliciously DiabeticTM diabetic-focused classes, Kids in the Kitchen for children, Cooking for Badges for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and afterschool programs. We also offer private in-home classes for individuals and families and birthday party experiences for kids.

Culinary Coaching

I will serve as your culinary coach and counselor as you learn how home cooking can aid in lifestyle changes. You will acquire new skills to prepare healthy foods, receive culturally relevant healthy recipes and increase your level of comfort with healthy foods.

Meal Prep (Coming Soon)

Let's face it, you're BUSY. You want to eat healthy at work but don't have the time to cook. Let Flavored Fork do the cooking and keep you eating healthy at work or wherever you may be.  New menus every two weeks. Order by Wednesday and pick up on Monday after 10:00am in Lexington.